View Profile the-fridge86
Alan Friggieri @the-fridge86

Age 38, Male

Web Analyst


Joined on 2/1/07

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the-fridge86's News

Posted by the-fridge86 - July 20th, 2008

I've been taking a particularly long time on Issue: #5, partly because I've found it hard to fit into my life and partly because I've been putting in more effort. I thought I'd give a little update with this sketch for part of a big fight. The issue is going to be titled, "Robots from Outer Space", with a few nods to the old classics. Anyway, the only thing missing is the main character's face and costume. Let me know what you think!

Robots from Outer Space!

Posted by the-fridge86 - June 2nd, 2008

I've been messing around with designs again. This time I actually made the effort to look at a picture of human muscular anatomy rather than solely using my imagination.
I was also inspired by a picture I saw on a friend's desktop but I don't know who it was by.
I call it, "This is what I think of your bullets," and it will be used in the Fifth Issue but with the usual starkness and lack of colour so I thought I'd share the full version of it here.

New "artwork"

Posted by the-fridge86 - April 28th, 2008

It's happened, I've finally done it. Since my laptop was stolen last year I've tried to backup my work whenever I get the time. I simply copy folders onto a flash drive and that's that. It doesn't take long and you'd have to be a moron to get it wrong. Ctrl C, Ctrl V, done!
That's what I did early this morning while rushing to get ready for work - why not? It only takes a minute! In goes the flsh drive, Ctrl C, Ctrl V, done and off to the office!
After a day at work thinking about all the cool things I'm going to do in my next episode, I got home and thought, "Yeah I've made really good progress on Issue: #5 already and it's going to be my best yet - let's get to work!"
I opened the file and was presented with something odd... almost nothing! In fact... wait this looks... oh no, oh NO, NO! I've... ... oh feck...
It's that nausiating feeling as your stomach doesn't know whether to sink or take up residence in your mouth as the realisation of the profound and far-reaching consequences of your error dawns.
That's followed by the frantic searching of forums, FAQs and the useless Help function just confirm and re-confirm that there's nothing out there (for free) to help! Yep, you guessed it. You would think that Microsoft would have by now built something into the System Restore function that allows you to choose to completely restore your system - files and all! But alas!
It doesn't take long and you'd have to be a moron to get it wrong. Ctrl C, Ctrl V, done!... Except when you try to do it in a hurry while getting ready for work in the morning!
When you try it that way you copy the old folders from the flash drive and write them over the newer stuff on your local drive!

Posted by the-fridge86 - April 19th, 2008

Hi folks,
Well it's been a while but I'm back on Newgrounds. My last submission was about 6 or 7 months ago now but I've finally found the time to complete ISSUE: #4 and I'm now in the last stages of editing. The whole thing has taken about a month of on-and-off work and I'm pretty happy with it. I've taken the advice of William Leighton and hand-drawn a great deal of the scenes. Anyway, I won't go on about it but I will tell you it'll be ready very soon and I hope you like it!
It's an origin story, giving a little insight into the hero of the story but it may take some thought to work out if I haven't done a good enough job!
Go watch the first 3 issues if you need familiarising!


Take it easy!

My Return To Newgrounds

Posted by the-fridge86 - August 13th, 2007

For the fans!


Posted by the-fridge86 - August 12th, 2007

Hi all,
A lot of the time, people see my animations and are reminded of Sin City and Frank Millar's style. While I can understand this perception and it is a very big compliment because Batman: Year One is fantastic, I don't consider myself to share a much style with him. The technique he appears to use in the Sin City series is negative space drawing. This looks like a printmaking method called linocut, whereby the artist carves from a sheet of lino the reverse of the image to be printed. I prefer to use some lines and often just outlines so that things are not quite so bleak and claustrophobic!

Posted by the-fridge86 - August 12th, 2007

This is the first sketch of the character in my Issues series. It was the first time I'd ever tried to draw anything like this only using my imagination. It took about half an hour. It just serves as a reference for future animation.

Original Art